Series One

Clockwise from top left: Margaret Thornton, Laurent de Sutter (image credit: Geraldine Jacques), Aileen Marwung Walsh, Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Daniela Gandorfer, Desmond Manderson

The first series of this podcast features interviews with established and emerging scholars whose work covers law, art, Aboriginal history and philosophy. In different ways and forms, working in traditional academic modes and breaking out of convention to re-enliven the role of the public intellectual and of the artist-scholar, they all engage with critical questions on how the legal canon produces knowledge. What are the priorities, hierarchies and logics of the dominant legal systems that are implicated with capital, colonialism and climate change? What is the role of the university and of legal education amidst these forces? How could living lawfully with each other and the lands and waters around us look different? What possibilities do other frames of thinking about the law offer?

The guests for the first series are Margaret Thornton, Laurent de Sutter, Aileen Marwung Walsh, Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos, Daniela Gandorfer and Desmond Manderson.

This series was generously supported by the Institute for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies - lucernaiuris at the University of Lucerne.


Music and Place