Music and Place
Image: Wylah or yellow-tailed black cockatoo. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license.
The opening and closing music on the interviews was created and arranged by Rosanna Stevens, a writer, musician and doctoral candidate at the Australian National University. A true multi-hyphenate talent, Rosanna has also produced and been on several podcasts spanning comedy and the arts and her advice has been invaluable in the making of Law Art Politics. Rosanna’s work can be found on her website and tweets @RosannaBeatrice.
The piece incorporates field recordings I made while staying in Yuin Country on the far south coast of New South Wales, Australia in a town otherwise known as Eden.
Although Covid-19 made many interactions virtual, we were more enmeshed in the spaces we lived than ever before, appreciating and paying attention to details we might not have noticed before, forced to make sudden relocations and quick homes if we were lucky. The first series of this podcast was partly conceived of and produced amidst a soundscape of windstorms whistling through burnt out forests from the previous summer’s bushfires and the piercing shrieks of the delightful wylah, with their puffy yellow cheeks and tails, circling the sky or prying open acacia pods with their beaks.
Justine Poon